Improve Your Sales Environment
There are many ways to improve your sales environment and motivate your team. Below are three primary techniques that will not only increase moral & team work, but drive positive growth and development. The overarching message is to create an open environment that promotes communication.
Talking. It is important to have regularly scheduled team meetings with specific agendas. Whether weekly or monthly, use this time to have an open discussion about upcoming projects, goals, best sales practices, recent challenges, and new developments. Conversely, you need to have one-on-one time with every person on your team to understand what motivates each individual. Ask them: what are you doing that is working; what is not working; what would you change about your processes?
Training. Formal training not only makes your team a better group of sales people, but again, it encourages communication. Having open discussions will allow your team to understand what is working for their peers and brainstorm together. Assigning specific topics to each team member to train their peers will recognize that individual’s special skills and boost interaction. Having senior sales people mentor your newer staff is important process in team building. Onsite training with clients can help your team become product/industry experts with a hands-on approach. An outside training consultant is a great way to develop unbiased opinions and techniques.
Tools. Nobody can do their job without the right tools; it’s the same for a salesperson. Investing in technology that helps your team do their job faster and more efficiently will enhance your sales environment. Having the right CRM, database, tracking, analytics, email marketing, mobile applications, etc. will create a less frustrating situation and allow your team to focus on their primary goal, sales.